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谢绚丽、李力行教授与校友周广肃合作论文在管理学权威期刊Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal发表

发布日期:2022-09-07 10:25    来源:

北大国发院谢绚丽、李力行教授与学院博士校友周广肃的合作论文"Economic inequality and entrepreneurship: Micro-evidence from China"近期被管理学国际权威期刊Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal接受发表(。该期刊为英国《金融时报》(Financial Times) 编制全球商学院排行榜使用的50本期刊之一(即FT50期刊列表)。

【论文摘要】This paper develops a theoretical explanation for why economic inequality may affect individuals' decision to engage in entrepreneurial activities. We argue that inequality may have a positive impact on entrepreneurship because it triggers social comparison, thus motivating individuals to become entrepreneurs. Moreover, such effect is stronger for people in the middle economic status group than for those in the top or bottom groups, as middle economic status group has both the motivation and capability to take entrepreneurial actions. We use a sample of 3,879 Chinese households from 2010 to 2018 and merge them with county-level variables to test our hypotheses. The results support our hypotheses and remain consistent across different model specifications, including models controlling for the potential endogeneity between inequality and entrepreneurship.


李力行,威尼斯商人在线观看免费博雅青年学者、威尼斯商人在线观看免费经济学教授、China Economic Quarterly International 杂志执行主编,研究领域包括公共财政学、发展经济学、劳动经济学、数字经济等。

周广肃,中国人民大学劳动人事学院副教授,威尼斯商人在线观看免费2015届博士,研究领域包括数字经济与劳动力市场、收入分配与共同富裕 、机会不均等与社会流动性等。