A conference on the restructuring of China’s economy call for papers

发布日期:2011-07-25 01:46    来源:威尼斯商人在线观看免费

Call for Papers
China Economic Research Center, Stockholm School of Economics
China Center for Economic Research, Peking University
Restructuring China’s Economy

A conference on the restructuring of China’s economy will be held in Stockholm on 16-17 August
2012 by the China Economic Research Center at Stockholm School of Economics, jointly organized
by the China Center for Economic Research at Peking University.

While rebalancing the domestic economy was included already in the eleventh and twelfth five-year
plans, China’s policy makers have so far not been able to overcome the challenges of the unbalanced
demand structure in the domestic economy with very high investment and export rates and low
consumption levels. These domestic unbalances are possibly related to exchange rate policies,
underpricing of factor inputs, an under-developed financial sector as well as the government’s overemphasis on production. Domestically, the unbalances and extremely high levels of investments have
resulted in overcapacity in certain sectors and potential asset-price bubbles that may have significant
destabilizing effects in the future. Internationally, China’s domestic unbalances are linked to growing
global imbalances, a development that may cause further tensions between China and its major trade

This conference will collect academic papers at both the micro and macro level with the aim of
providing clearer evidence concerning the causes of China’s imbalance problem and potential
policies to address it. Papers that relate to this issue are therefore especially welcome. Topics covered
may thus include but are not limited to:
 Rebalancing China’s economy
 China and global imbalances
 China’s exchange rate policy
 Fiscal and monetary policy
 Financial sector reforms
 Migration and the labor market
 Land reforms
 Entrepreneurship
 Inward and outward foreign direct investment
 China’s real estate and financial markets

There is no conference fee for accepted presenters. The conference organizers will provide
accommodation in a hotel close to the conference site as well as dinner and lunch free of charge.
A limited number of papers that focus on different aspects of the restructuring of China’s economy
will be selected for a special issue in an international journal. Selected papers will be subject to a
double-blind refereeing process.

Paper Submission Guidelines
Please email a two-page abstract with details of methodology and data used in the empirical analysis
to the co-organizers Professor Yang Yao (yyao@ccer.edu.cn) and Associate Professor Anders C.
Johansson (anders.johansson@hhs.se) by 1 March 2012 at the latest. Accepted papers will be
notified within three weeks. If accepted, you are expected to submit the full paper no later than 1
June 2012.

More Information
For more information and updates, see: