CCER 金融论坛第四十五讲 美国的共同基金及资产管理业

发布日期:2005-05-19 01:09    来源:威尼斯商人在线观看免费

CCER 金融论坛第四十五讲






主讲人: 邹飞   博士

         美国American Century Investments公司基金经理,资深证券分析师


时  间:2005年5 月 22日(周日)19:00-21:00


地  点:威尼斯商人在线观看免费中国经济研究中心万众楼二楼多功能厅






邹飞博士现任美国American Century Investments公司基金经理,资深证券分析师,管理上千亿美金的投资。

邹飞于1999年加入美国American Century Investments公司,现负责管理公司的资产信托投资基金。在邹飞任职期间,公司的资产信托投资基金在过去4年中的每一年都超越了标准普尔500指数(S&P 500 Index)的参照标准,被列为美国顶尖基金之一。除了管理资产信托投资基金,邹飞还负责为公司的证券基金开发选股模型。

邹飞毕业于美国德克萨斯大学(奥斯汀校区),获经济学硕士、金融学博士学位。邹飞还持有特许金融分析师(CFA)资格证书, 是特许金融分析师协会的会员。此外,邹飞博士自1999年起任中国金融协会主任,2000年为协会董事会主席。


A Brief Introduction to Dr. Fei Zou

Fei Zou is a portfolio manager and senior quantitative analyst for American Century Investments, a premier US based investment manager with $100 billion under management.

Dr. Zou, who joined American Century in 1999, is responsible for managing the American Century Equity Growth Fund, a MorningStar 4-star fund with $2 billion under management. Under his management, American Century Equity Growth Fund had outperformed its benchmark, S&P 500 index, in each of the last 4 years; and ranked as one of the top funds in the country. In addition to managing American Century Equity Growth Fund, Dr. Zou is also in charge of developing stock selection models for other American Century quantitative equity funds. Dr. Zou works in the company’s Mountain View, California office.

Dr. Zou received his Ph.D. in finance and a master’s degree in economics from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a CFA charter holder and a member of the CFA Institute. Additionally, Dr. Zou has been a director of the Chinese Finance Association since 1999. He was the Chairman of the board in 2000.